iOnLogistics helps breakbulk logistics companies digitise

Flowsmagazine, Warehousing
Koen Dejaeger
"Goed gestroomlijnde processen absolute noodzaak voor elke onderneming"

In our latest Flows magazine, we highlight the topic of breakbulk. It is impossible to imagine life without the word digitalisation, yet digitalisation in storage and transhipment of breakbulk often still seems problematic. A missed opportunity, they think at iOnLogistics. An interview with Yentl Van Gucht, business developer at iOnLogistics.

The Temse-based software developer explains how more digitalisation can contribute to the transition in the logistics world. “Digitalisation is important because there are numerous activities that are done manually or not with the right system, and so you lose a lot of time and increase the risk of errors,” says Yentl Van Gucht, business developer at iOnLogistics.

The company iOnLogistics is developing a Terminal Operating System (iTOS) for terminals and 3PL/4PL shippers to automate to move towards greater efficiency and productivity. “To achieve this, you have to know the industry inside out. Most of iOnLogistics’ team members can look back on 20 to 30 years of experience in the logistics sector. Indeed, they helped build software for bulk and breakbulk storage and handling companies in the past. Terminals and 3PL/4PL shippers reap the benefits of the know-how present.”

The company is therefore well placed to shine its light on digitalisation in the breakbulk sector. “There are still many opportunities for companies to further optimise that are not being exploited today.”

Taking a step-by-step approach to digitisation is the most effective strategy, according to iOnLogistics, starting with simple processes. “Many processes, such as entering orders into a system, are today still maintained in Excel or manually entered into a system. This creates a considerable workload and increases the risk of double entry and errors,” Van Gucht explains.


“Informing customers also poses a challenge for many terminals. Customers like to receive updates on the unloading, loading or departure of their goods at the terminal, as well as information on the current stock status. To provide such updates, it is important for a terminal to have an accurate and clear overview of completed and ongoing activities and stock,” says Van Gucht.

Even the correct execution of deliveries is not always obvious. “This is already annoying with small parcels, but with breakbulk cargoes it is even problematic because of the cost and inconvenience it causes. Think, for example, of paper rolls available in different thicknesses. If the wrong thickness is loaded, the delivery is wrong and the problems follow naturally.”

Such activities thus seem simple, but often turn out to be sub-optimal in practice. A first step in this, according to iOnLogistics, is to choose a system that will streamline all administrative, operational and financial processes from one central location. Next, it is essential to select a system specifically suited to breakbulk operations.

Info on stock

“There are many software systems on the market, but few are suitable for breakbulk,” says Yentl Van Gucht. “For example, the e-commerce sector is much bigger and so there is more software available, but one has to ask whether the software is also suitable for the breakbulk sector.”

“With a Terminal Operating System such as iOnLogistics’ iTOS software, you have accurate information regarding stock at all times: which goods are present, the quantity, specific location, operations carried out, and the route the goods have taken. So informing customers is very easy with this system, especially with the automatic messages that can be sent.”

“It is essential to also be aware of any dangerous goods, as they should not just be in any place in the warehouse. A mistake in this area can have significant consequences and lead to complex situations. Even for the period of warehouse rental (warehouse rent), it is crucial to have the correct data. Subsequently, orders can be entered automatically through EDI, eliminating the need for manual intervention.”

“Well-streamlined processes are anno 2023 an absolute necessity for any company dealing with logistics processes if it wants to be profitable, efficient and productive, also in the breakbulk sector,” Van Gucht concludes.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.