Tip our editors

Do you have a news item of your own?

Our editors are always looking for relevant news about people, services, projects and companies from the freight transport and logistics sector. You can help them with a tip or press release.

Do you have something to report yourself? Do so by emailing redactie@flows.be. Our editors will quickly get to work on your message. If you wish, your anonymity will be guaranteed. Adding your phone number is not obligatory, but it helps us to react quickly.


Keep in mind that we receive about five hundred messages from people, governments and companies every day, while we only have room for about ten news items daily. Our editors select from that supply based on professional criteria. Subscribers pay because they don’t have much time themselves and expect Flows to report the most important facts. The greater the range of possible news, the better we can do our job. So don’t hesitate to send us anything. We do not guarantee publication, but what we do not know we cannot report.


Please note: Flows has an excellent reputation for reliability. As professional journalists, it is our duty to screen and (double-)check every post where necessary. Editors decide autonomously what is taken from a press release, how it is elaborated and who may be covered.


Submitting a message, giving a tip or allowing an interview does not imply an automatic right to proofread the article before publication. Proofreading an article before publication may be allowed if the source and editor have made prior arrangements. Because proofreading is a favour, it should be accompanied by clear agreements on deadlines. Especially with online news, the proofreading time can be very short. The person allowed to proofread is only the person the editor has spoken to. Any proposals for adjustments are limited to material errors in the text in passages where the source is used or quoted. The editors have the final say in this.


Journalists, too, are human and make mistakes. We always correct them if they are reported to us. Do you find a material error or language mistake in a journalistic contribution? Contact the editor or email redactie@flows.be. Please note: an opinion, development or message you disagree with is different from a material error.


Our editors adhere to the Journalism Council’s code of ethics: https://www.rvdj.be/code-raad-voor-de-journalistiek. That code clearly defines the rights and duties of our editors.

What is news?

Flows focuses on relevant industry news. To help you with the assessments the editors make every day, we give you a brief overview, in no particular order, of news we look for every day.

  • New licences/permit applications
  • Discontinuation, acquisition, collaboration and joint venture
  • A new investment (i.e. not a replacement investment)
  • Job changes or change in management or executives
  • Personal details
  • New business strategy
  • Financial results
  • Changes or innovations in services
  • Exceptional realisations and/or events
  • Events
  • …..

Please send an event invitation to: Flows, p/a Brouwersvliet 33 – bus 4, 2000 Antwerp or redactie@flows.be.