Maersk gets state-of-the-art offices in Antwerp

Nieuws, Shipping
Michiel Leen

Working more ergonomically and moving more, those are two key concepts in the renovation of the Maersk offices in Antwerp. “The entire office has been given a different look and feel,” says Nathalie Luyckx, who, in addition to being ‘Agency Ops Compliance Teamleader’, is also a prevention consultant. “New features include a ‘cosy corner’, a seating area where meetings can be held in an informal way, desks that are adjustable so you can also work standing up, and a different layout that encourages colleagues to move around more while working. The bins are grouped on a separate ‘island’ and the printer is also a short walk away. All this is to prevent people from spending an entire working day sitting down.” The aim is also to consume less paper (‘paperless office’). One notable step in that direction is the reduction of cabinet space. “The idea is no longer for people to print documents and then store them in a cupboard,” says managing director Andreas Coppens.

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