Belgian-Dutch Port Day puts focus on energy transition

Nieuws, Ports
Koen Dejaeger
Havendag 2022

The upcoming edition of ProMedia’s Belgian-Dutch Port Day will take place on 13 June in Amsterdam. Specialists from both countries will discuss how to reconcile energy transition with sustainable economic growth.

Trade magazine Flows, together with sister magazine Nieuwsblad Transport, is organising the Belgian-Dutch Havendag on 13 June. The conference takes place annually, alternately in Belgium and the Netherlands. After a successful edition last year in Antwerp, the vibrant Dutch capital has now been chosen as the venue for the congress.

In several areas, Belgium and the Netherlands are already working together today on energy transition, with their ports as key hubs. Switching to sustainable energy sources should not only reduce CO2 emissions, but also ensure long-term economic growth. But what exactly is the fuel of the future? And how useful is capturing CO2 and putting it underground?

Top speakers

During the Belgian-Dutch Port Day on 13 June, professionals from the Netherlands and Belgium will gather at DeLaMar Theatre in Amsterdam to take the next steps in this transition together. Accompanied by several top speakers from both the Belgian and Dutch port communities, the day’s programme will discuss challenges and opportunities.

Among others, the following people will contribute:

– Frederik van Nuffel, EXMAR
– Diederick Luijten, Air Liquide
– Nancy de Groof, Advario
– Maarten den Dekker, North Sea Port
– Gilles Decan, Port of Antwerp-Bruges
– Larissa van der Lugt, Director Erasmus UPT
– Boudewijn Siemons, Port of Rotterdam Authority
– Ad van Wijk, TU Delft
– Koen Overtoom, Port of Amsterdam

Participation in this knowledge event is free and registration is still possible via this link. The full programme can be found here. Throughout the day, there will be opportunities to network with industry professionals.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.