Port community shows warm heart and fiery dance legs during Overstag

Video, Ports
Koen Dejaeger
Tourist LeMC op het maritiem event 'Overstag'

The maritime event ‘Overstag’ organised by MSC Belgium on Thursday 14 September 2023 attracted some two thousand people from the port community to Noorderlaan. “A great success and proof that we form a close-knit community,” gloated Marc Beerlandt, CEO of MSC Belgium.

For this edition of‘Overstag‘, MSC Belgium had found some 75 companies from the port willing to help put their shoulders to the maritime event. With performances by the likes of Tourist LeMC and Cookies and Cream, followed by several DJ sets, the event had a very strong bill of fare. From 5 p.m. onwards, the crowd started pouring in to the Qpinch Warehouse at 3 Hamburg Street, just off Noorderlaan.

It’s an incredibly nice feeling that people put so much effort into this

“I think this is one of the biggest charity events ever in the port of Antwerp,” Beerlandt said. “I am extremely proud not only that it comes from the people themselves, but also that it is supported by 75 customers, suppliers, terminals and so on. It’s an incredibly nice feeling that people put so much effort into this.”

Good cause

Proceeds from the event will go to three charities: Tajo (Talent Atelier for Young People), Mercy Ships and City Pirates. “We want to raise a decent sum of money,” Beerlandt said. “I am sure we will succeed.” The exact amount was not yet known on Thursday night.

“With that money, we will support Tajo, a Ghent initiative for young people who have dropped out and which now wants to come to Antwerp with its operation as well. By the way, it was Alexander Saverys who suggested it to us. We also sponsor Mercy Ships, which MSC supports globally and very broadly, and another local charity: the City Pirates.”

Tourist LeMC

To the tones of ‘En Route’, Tourist LeMC – in appropriate orange outfits for the occasion – got the whole room singing along. “The atmosphere was great,” the singer felt after the performance. “After all, the port is part of the city and I am proud of that. By the way, I used to work in the port myself, at Tabaknatie, but that only lasted for a month,” said the singer, who willingly took photos with a lot of ladies and some gentlemen.

We are the biggest in many ways with our port and tonight we prove that we also have a big heart

Port alderman Annick De Ridder took a moment to thank those present for all the work they do day in and day out. “We are the biggest with our port worldwide in many areas, but tonight we prove once again that we also have a big and warm heart,” De Ridder said. “We are a close-knit port community that collectively puts its shoulders to the wheel for good causes and that is heartwarming to see.”

De Ridder was also allowed to fish the winning raffle ticket from a bowl. The lucky winner was offered a trip on the ‘MSC Euribia’, the newest ship in the fleet, departing from Zeebrugge, by MSC Cruises. After the distribution of the prizes, the party continued unabated and the port community showed that it not only has a warm heart, but also fiery dancing legs.

Authors and video: Bart Meyvis and Koen Dejaeger

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.