Belgian delegation celebrates 50th anniversary of WISTA in Limasol

Nieuws, People
Philippe Van Dijck

This year’s anniversary edition of WISTA International’s annual general meeting and conference also attracted many interested parties. A large Belgian delegation also participated in the conference.

The annual WISTA International conference, which this year took place in sun-drenched Limasol in Cyprus, brought together nearly 200 participants from as many as 36 different countries. The organisers had pulled out all the stops for this anniversary edition. Over three days, participants discussed a range of crucial topics affecting the industry, with a strong emphasis on diversity, solidarity and financial sustainability in shipping. The whole event was interspersed with company visits, networking opportunities and a gala evening.


WISTA (Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association) is an organisation that aims to empower and support women in the shipping industry. According to a recent survey by BIMCO, barely 1-2% of seafarers would be women. Land-based professions related to ships also employ mainly men.

The association is actively working to improve women’s rights within the industry. Thus, WISTA tries to get a good picture on the participation rate of women in certain professional groups, and any difficulties they experience. To this end, WISTA developed a survey that can be completed by anyone.

Based on its own observations, WISTA tries to take action against this and can really make a difference because of its large scale and political influence.

It is sometimes about small things like women having to put on men’s overalls because there are no small sizes on board.

WISTA International not only raises awareness but also tries to put pressure for regulatory change through many avenues. “The IMO was prepared to extend the obligation to have personal protective equipment on board to smaller sizes as well. That way women will not have to put on large (men’s) overalls. Measures like this are steps in the right direction every time,” said Elpi Petraki, chairwoman of WISTA International.


The association is committed not only to women but also to greater diversity and a more sustainable shipping industry. Since its establishment 50 years ago, WISTA has also been actively promoting gender equality and diversity within the maritime sector. For instance, its Belgian branch, WISTA Belgium, recently presented the ‘Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime’ awards to individuals and organisations committed to diversity. “An initiative we will certainly repeat because there is still a lot of work to be done,” said Céline Mortier, one of the Belgian delegation members.

wista belgium
The WISTA Belgium delegation at the anniversary edition of the annual WISTA International conference

Several sessions and panels discussed how diversity is not only an ethical responsibility, but also a business advantage. Companies that embrace diversity, it was argued, perform better because of a wider range of perspectives and experiences. This then leads to more innovation and better decision-making. The role of leadership in creating an inclusive work environment, where everyone has the opportunity to grow and contribute, was also highlighted.

WISTA Equity Fund

One of the main topics was the creation of the “WISTA Equity Fund,” a new solidarity fund set up to support national chapters struggling to pay their membership fees.

The proposal attracted a large majority of those present. The fund is formed by contributions from other WISTA national organisations, underlining the overall solidarity among WISTA members.

Funding in Shipping

WISTA also tries to provide substantive support to its members. The conference therefore featured several panels and lectures on a variety of topics. The Belgian WISTA delegation followed with extra interest the session on the financial aspects of the industry and the challenges of the future. The maritime industry is undergoing major changes worldwide and finance plays a crucial role in this. The panel discussion on financing in the shipping industry was moderated by Katalin Dobránzky – Bartus, one of the Belgian WISTA members.

Looking to the future

Chairwoman of WISTA International Elpi Petraki looks back on the conference with satisfaction and looks ahead to next year’s session in Barcelona. “There is still a lot of work to do, but the energy of this week makes me very hopeful,” she stated.

With initiatives such as the WISTA Equity Fund and a strong focus on promoting diversity and inclusiveness, WISTA remains a key player in shaping the future of the maritime sector. The Limassol conference showed that solidarity and cooperation are essential for the success of both the organisation and the maritime industry as a whole.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.