Danny's dream comes true with custom transfer crane

Nieuws, People
Koen Heinen
kraanbedrijf Buermans

Danny Van den Dool, employee of crane company D. Buermans, recently saw his dream come true. Despite a physical disability to one arm, he unloaded his first ship with an adapted handling crane.

Danny has been working for the crane company since 2004 and is a valued employee there. As a boatman’s son, he nurtured a deep-seated passion for cranes and was fascinated by their operation from an early age. That passion eventually led to his professional vocation at Olen-based crane company D. Buermans.


“Despite the challenges Danny faced, including a significant disability on his arm, we always believed in his potential. The nature of his disability would be an obstacle for many, but Danny’s determination and dedication were unwavering. From his first days on the Bobcat to his later work on the dumper, he proved that perseverance and determination are invincible despite his physical limitation,” says Daniel Buermans, owner of the company.

Technological feat

To fulfil Danny’s dream, the company started a search for the right modifications needed. “This required a lot of thinking within the team of our crane company. Experienced chief mechanic Koen and Danny himself mapped out the specific requirements to enable Danny to operate a crane. After this was thoroughly worked out, the ideas had to be tested and implemented in practice. After an intensive search, we found the ideal partner in the Halle-based company De Bruycker Kemp. It was the first time for both companies to customise a transfer crane specifically for Danny. The cooperation ultimately resulted in a technological tour de force,” Buermans says.

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kraanbedrijf Buermans Danny Van den Dool
Danny unloads his first ship

Pushing boundaries

Even more than the technological masterpiece, Daniel Buermans sees the operation as a model of the power of cooperation and inclusion. “The boundaries of what was thought possible were pushed. For Danny and Crane Company D. Buermans, this event represents a triumph of determination, innovation and inclusion. As a company, we are proud of Danny’s achievement and acknowledge the efforts of all stakeholders who contributed to making this historic milestone a reality,” he concludes.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.