Flowscast – Ruben Baert, survey support at GEOxyz

Video, People
Philippe Van Dijck
Ruben Baert en Philippe Van Dijck

Every week, our editors Julie Desmet or Philippe Van Dijck welcome a fascinating guest from the port and transport sector. Today we introduce you to the ‘Flowscast’ with Ruben Baert, survey support at GEOxyz.

GEOxyz is a company specialising in survey and offshore support services. In recent years, the Belgian company grew into a major player with several international projects.

What started as a soil survey inspection service evolved into a multifunctional company using the latest technologies to provide its clients with the most accurate information. Its activities range from locating and mapping shipwrecks on the bottom, to analysing sea currents or geological layers under the soil, up to 100 metres deep.


Recently, GEOxyz also started additional data analyses. A lot of scientifically interesting and commercially useful data can be distilled from the mountain of information GEOxyz collects for its clients.

You can hear it in our brand new podcast, available to listen to via Spotify. Each podcast is recorded with video, and especially for our subscribers, we include it here as well.

Did you miss previous episodes? No problem, you will find all podcasts in one place here. As always, we are looking for great stories. If you have any suggestions of your own, you are welcome to send them to redactie@flows.be.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.