MSC Belgium raises 150,000 euros for charity with 'Overstag 2023'

Nieuws, People
Koen Dejaeger
Van links af Patrick Van Dessel (CFO MSC Belgium) Marc Beerlandt (CEO MSC Belgium) Natacha Vranken (Educatief teamcoordinator Tajo Antwperen) en Alexander Saverys (lid raad van bestuur Tajo)

The ‘Overstag’ event organised by MSC Belgium a few weeks ago with the support of 75 partners raised a record sum of 150,000 euros. “These funds will have a significant and positive impact on the lives of many in our city,” said a proud CEO Marc Beerlandt.

The maritime event ‘Overstag’ organised by MSC Belgium on Thursday 14 September 2023 attracted around two thousand people from the port community. For this edition of ‘Overstag’, MSC Belgium had found some 75 companies from the port willing to put their backs into the maritime event, the proceeds of which go to a number of charities.

With performances by the likes of Tourist LeMC and Cookies and Cream, followed by several DJ sets, it was a vibrant evening in a transformed “party” hangar at Hamburgstraat 3, just off Noorderlaan. Beautiful tombola prizes were handed over by Antwerp port alderman Annick De Ridder, including an MSC Cruise, a travel cheque donated by Blueskies, a tugboat tour offered by Port of Antwerp-Bruges and an autographed RAFC shirt.

With the support of 75 sponsors, 1,800 visitors and a fantastic line-up, the event produced a record result of a whopping €150,000. “We are extremely proud that, with the entire maritime community, we can make such a contribution for various charities,” said CEO of MSC Belgium Marc Beerlandt. “During this evening, I noticed once again what a close-knit community we are and what we can achieve together.”


“The proceeds of ‘Overstag’ will be used in full to support some crucial projects close to our hearts,” Beerlandt said. “These funds will have a significant and positive impact on the lives of many in our city. In addition, I am immensely proud that our staff have pulled the cart to put on this fantastic event.”

The amount raised was split between three charities. TAJO vzw was awarded the largest cheque of 100,000 euros. This organisation will start up in Antwerp for the first time next school year, where they will also be able to inspire and motivate underprivileged young people in this city to discover, through various talent workshops, which fields of study appeal to them the most. “The organisers of TAJO, and in particular board member Alexander Saverys (CMB), would like to express their sincere thanks to the many volunteers, sponsors, artists and the community as a whole for their incredible support,” it sounds.

The remaining 50,000 euros was split between Mercy Ships and City Pirates. Mercy Ships deploys hospital ships to change lives and serve in various countries. Through football, City Pirates wants to give Antwerp children and young people opportunities and teach competences with a focus on equality, respect and commitment, with a view to a stable and balanced future.

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Van links af Patrick Van Dessel (CFO MSC Belgium), Marouane Tabla, Michiel de Visschere en Marc Beerlandt (CEO MSC Belgium)
From left Patrick Van Dessel (CFO MSC Belgium), Marouane Tabla, Michiel de Visschere (City Pirates) and Marc Beerlandt (CEO MSC Belgium)

“The success of ‘Overstag 2023’ underlines the power of community and togetherness. We look forward to building on this great achievement in the years to come!” said another message from MSC Belgium.

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