Sorting belt ViaEurope Liege sends out to 34 destinations simultaneously

Nieuws, Logistics
Melanie De Vrieze
Volledige geautomatiseerde sorteerband

To support its growth, e-commerce logistician ViaEurope invested in a fully automated sorting belt at Liege Airport. The new belt system processes more than 3,500 parcels per hour and sends them to 34 destinations simultaneously.

ViaEurope’s e-commerce hub at Liege Airport was opened in 2019. In less than three years, it has grown from a modest 1,500 m2 to 9,500 m2. With the fully automated sorting belt, the company aims to operate more safely and efficiently. The new belt system can process more than 3,500 parcels per hour. A scanner reads barcodes on all five sides of the parcel, while the system also weighs, measures and takes photos. This gives ViaEurope insight into the entire process, which it shares with its customers.

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