(Advertorial) Descartes screens your trading partners

Nieuws, Logistics
Charlotte De Noose

Descartes sees a striking evolution. At the beginning of this century, companies from the financial, military and aerospace sectors mainly screened their existing and prospective trading partners. Today, companies from all sectors do so. “This happens in the healthcare, pharma, automotive, e-commerce, transport and logistics sectors, among others,” says Nick Neesen of Descartes. “Carriers, transporters and shipping companies also attach great importance to a screening or compliance process because they come into contact with many parties. After all, there are several parties listed on the ‘bill of lading’ and they want to make sure they are reliable parties. Besides companies, a lot of universities screen their visitors – ranging from visiting professors and new students, to companies they come into contact with. That screening is important is proven by this example: a company exported metal pipes to the Middle East. But they served an entirely different purpose: they were used to make illegal weapons.” This could have been avoided with a compliance process.

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