The deal with Alibaba seemed shaky after lobbying from FedEx. According to French-language newspaper Sud Presse, FedEx even put a plan on the table to make Liege Airport its second largest hub in the world, after Memphis, by 2040. To do so, however, it needed the land to be allocated to Alibaba. Through French shareholder Aéroports de Paris, FedEx put pressure on Liege Airport. But the two other shareholders decided to take their chances and preferred to deal with Alibaba now rather than a promise for 20 years from now. Walloon minister Jean-Luc Crucke, responsible for airports, is said to have talked himself into the Parisians. Last night, Luc Partoune, CEO of Liege Airport, was then allowed to sign the deal with Alibaba after all. This will in principle happen on 14 December, when Alibaba’s top brass will be in our country to sign a deal with the federal government.
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