Voka positive towards new environmental permit Brussels Airport

Nieuws, Air Freight
Melanie De Vrieze
Brussels Airport

Voka has issued a positive opinion during the public examination of Brussels Airport’s application for a new environmental permit. Objections or comments can still be submitted until 8 January 2024.

Brussels Airport Company ‘s current environmental permit for operating the airport expires in July 2024. An application was therefore submitted to the Flemish government in July 2023 to renew the permit, this time for an unlimited period. The public enquiry into the application started on 10 December. Objections or comments can still be submitted until 8 January.

Economic pole

Voka has already done so and takes a positive view of the new plans. In its arguments, the employers’ association points out that the airport generates 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) and hosts 317 companies. The airport employs 24,000 people directly and an additional 40,000 indirectly. Brucargo, the cargo part of Brussels Airport, is also very important to ensure economic activity, according to Voka.

“For us, the proposal of Brussels Airport’s re-licence is an excellent solution to ensure the future of Flanders’ second largest economic pole, the economic gateway and centre of logistics activities in the province of Flemish Brabant,” said Kris Claes, managing director of Voka – Chamber of Commerce Vlaams-Brabant. “We also support the airport operator’s noise and sustainability objectives.”


Several organisations filed objections to the new environmental permit. According to Bond Beter Leefmilieu, the health cost for people living near Brussels Airport would amount to more than €1 billion on an annual basis.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.