Brussels Airport bets on community operation via Air Cargo Belgium

Interview, Air Freight
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Overzichtsbeeld Brucargo

In the jubilee edition of our magazine, we gave companies in the maritime and logistics sector the chance to showcase themselves. Brussels Airport is strongly committed to its community operation through Air Cargo Belgium. As real estate is an important aspect of its growth strategy, the airport recently reinforced its cargo team, explains Dimitri Bettoni, head of cargo product & network development at Brussels Airport Company.

How is your community operation evolving?

“As the extended arm of Brussels Airport Company (BAC), Air Cargo Belgium (ACB) is the driving force behind community operations. On behalf of airlines, handlers, forwarders, airport authority and other stakeholders, ACB sets strategic and ambitious goals for the development of air cargo. The emphasis is on efficiency, continuity, innovation and digitalisation. Freek De Witte succeeded Geert Keirens as ACB’s new managing director this year. Geert Aerts, chief cargo & real estate officer, has been chairman of ACB since June 2023. For the community, the challenge is not just to manage its own day. After several years of strong growth, volumes are under pressure. With the community, we remain committed to innovation, both in terms of processes and further digitalisation.”

You also strengthened the cargo team?

“Through its programme of management trainees, BAC invests in young talent. To continue real estate investments, the Logistics Real Estate team needs to grow with us. That’s why Sarina Wolfs has been leading that team, which grew from three to six team members, since May 2023.”

Real estate is a key aspect of your growth strategy. What are the latest developments?

“We are improving our infrastructure by being more innovative, environmentally conscious and modern. For instance, we are investing in modern cargo handling facilities, advanced storage facilities and specialised temperature-controlled zones. The latest development at the zone – BRUcargo Central – offers 35,000m² of warehousing, ancillary offices and a parking tower. It will be completed in phases by 2025. In parallel, a new 3,400m² warehouse will be completed alongside the new Herfurth building to expand an existing partner on the zone.”

“Digitalisation also continues to play a crucial role in improving efficiency, quality and sustainability at Brucargo. The data-sharing platform BRUcloud serves as a springboard for new digitalisation initiatives to optimise cargo operations at Brucargo, reduce handling times and minimise errors, thereby increasing efficiency. One example is the Digital Green Lane initiative, which fully digitises the cargo pick-up and drop-off process and significantly reduces waiting times for drivers.”

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.