Takeovers, mergers and mergers are of all times. But there are times when one can speak of a wave. Especially in the transport and logistics sector. In the early 1990s, for example, when the European single market emerged. British investment funds in particular – who actually knew nothing about the sector – threw themselves into the market then, often with disastrous results. In the first half of the 2000s, SOEs and parastatals did their shopping. Deutsche Post, Deutsche Bahn, La Poste, SNCF, Royal Mail and others drove the companies in. Smaller players also tried to join in, such as SNCB and Dutch Post, but their pockets were not deep enough. Incidentally, private companies did not leave themselves out in the cold either: it was a time of ‘taking over not being taken over’. In the second half of the 2000s, globalisation was suddenly blown. Asia in particular came into focus, but also Latin America. In the latter area not really successfully, as it turned out.
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