Belgian Sailing vessel 'TS Rupel' winner in Tall Ships Races

Nieuws, Miscellaneous
'TS Rupel'

Arriving in Seczecin (Poland), the ‘TS Rupel’ captured first place Overall Class B Race Series in the famous Tamm Ships Races. Two Belgian boats were entered – ‘TS Rupel’ and ‘Saeftinghe’ – competing in Class B and Class C respectively.

The Tall Ships Races have been sailed annually for over 60 years and are aimed at young people (16-25 years old). They take place in European waters during the summer months. This year, it took place in the Baltic Sea. It was from 2017 that the Tall Ships called at this region. The current event consisted of three races and two cruises in company.

The meeting and departure point was on Thursday 27 June 2024 in Klaipeda – Lithuania. A first race headed for Finland with destination Helsinki. A total of six ports will be visited in different countries. Helsinki was followed by a cruise in company to Tallin in Estonia. Then another race to Turku in Finland; Turku is located on the Aura River and used to be the capital of Finland.

The cruise in company from Turku to Mariehamm in the Åland Islands is navigating between the many islands. Here you can still admire a real four-masted sailing ship, the ‘Pommern’, which is kept in a specially constructed dock. From Mariehamm, it is then a long race to Poland to the finishing point Szczecin. Arrival there was on 2 August 2024.

4 podium finishes

Last winter, the ‘TS Rupel’ had to undergo urgent major maintenance. A lot of repairs were needed and for a while it even looked like they would not be able to sail during the summer. But the many volunteers worked for hours and one was finally ready in mid-June 2024.

After polishing, checking the engine, shopping and bringing back on board all the equipment that had to be disembarked for the works, the ship was ready. Originally scheduled to depart on 17 June, a problem with the starter motor meant it had to be delayed a day.

The delivery (delivery) to Klaipeda already gave an immediate reward with the ‘Best Dressed Ship in Port’. With Race-1 to Helsinki, they captured 4th place in their Class B and received the ‘Communication Award Race One’. In Race-2 from Tallinn to Turku, they did even better: 3rd place in Race-2. In Race-3 from Mariehamm to Szczecin, they had to settle for 6th place but all races combined resulted in a first place: ‘1st Overall Class B Race Series’.


Once the celebrations in Poland are over and all ships will leave port, the T/S Rupel will set sail for Ostend, where it is expected after mid-August.

Authors: Georges Janssens

'Saeftinghe' en 'TS Rupel'
‘Saeftinghe’ and ‘TS Rupel’ (c) Georges Janssens
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