Guido Vangenechten: country manager Belgium at Consafe Logistics

Nieuws, People
Yannick De Spiegeleir
Guido Vangenechten

Consafe Logistics, provider of warehouse management systems (WMS), is expanding into Belgium. Guido Vangenechten has been appointed as the new manager for the Belgian market. “We want to support our local customers even better,” he says.

Consafe Logistics Group is aninternational software development company with offices in seven countries, now including Belgium.

Guido Vangenechten brings over 20 years of knowledge and experience to the new role as country manager Belgium. His background includes leading business growth and post-acquisition integrations, managing direct and indirect sales teams, creating value propositions through strategic alliances and maintaining an international network. His past roles included working for US-based Honeywell, a manufacturer of electronic control and automation systems.

Securing investments

“Investing in warehouse management software is a long-term commitment for customers. That is why we want to secure their investments with our local presence,” Vangenechten explains. “We already manage warehouses in Belgium from our Swedish and Dutch offices and are building on this foundation to further improve our support for Belgian companies. To deliver more value to existing and new customers in the region, we have already started developing our local ecosystems with logistics consultants, automation companies and hardware partners.”

Trusted partner

Belgium was carefully chosen as the next destination for Consafe Logistics’ growth due to its location in the heart of Europe. “We understand that our customers’ success depends on more than just technology. It requires a trusted partner with knowledge and experience to meet unique needs,” says Henk-Jan van Donkelaar, managing director Central Europe at Consafe Logistics. “We are ready to offer our Belgian customers over 40 years of logistics expertise and local support in their own language.”

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.