New Zeeland provincial government: BBB deputy for North Sea Port

Nieuws, Ports
Jan-Kees Verschuure
20230211 Loodswezen Jolijn NSP

The new provincial government of Zeeland will present the coalition agreement on Friday 16 June. Election winner BBB (BoerBurgerBeweging) will provide the director in charge of communication around North Sea Port.

The coalition agreement will be presented Friday afternoon, 16 June, during the break of the States Assembly in the Provinciehuis in Middelburg. The new coalition led by the BBB, winner of the Dutch provincial elections in March 2023, calls the agreement ‘down-to-earth and realistic’.

North Sea Port

For North Sea Port, four portfolio holders are important. Wilfried Nielen (BBB) is responsible for communication around North Sea Port and a member of the supervisory body. Incumbent administrators Harry van der Maas (SGP), Jo-Annes de Bat (CDA) and Dick van der Velde (VVD) will stay on in their respective areas of infrastructure/mobility, economy/energy transition and spatial planning/ industrial estates.

Flemish farmers’ movement

Terneuzen-based Nielen was number 4 on the BBB’s candidate list and has a background as a business consultant in safety science, including on hazardous substances.

Attempts are also being made in Flanders to set up a farmer-citizen movement. Farmer daughter Tine Hermans from Merksplas started the Facebook group BoerBurgerBelangen in March 2023 and wants to develop it into a political movement.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.