Flowscast: port captain Niels Vanlaer monitors good order at port

Video, People
Koen Dejaeger
Niels Vanlaer en Philippe Van Dijck

On Wednesday afternoon, there is a new ‘Flowscast’ each time. Today, Philippe Van Dijck talks to port captain of Port of Antwerp-Bruges Niels Vanlaer. He is responsible for good order in the port and explains what is involved.

Every week, our editors Julie Desmet or Philippe Van Dijck welcome a fascinating guest from the port and transport sector. Today we introduce you to the ‘Flowscast’ with Niels Vanlaer. Vanlaer worked at Exmar for a long time before switching to Port of Antwerp-Bruges at the beginning of this year.

Many people know a captain, but few know a port captain. What is the difference? “Actually, it’s the same,” says Niels Vanlaer. “As port captain, you are also responsible for the safety of the ship, with the difference that in this case the ship is the entire port. My guide is the port police regulation and I have to enforce it: maintain peace and order, ensure safety of loading and unloading, safeguard the environment, and so on.”

You can hear the whole story of Port of Antwerp-Bruges port captain Niels Vanlaer in our brand new podcast, which can be listened to via Spotify. Each podcast is recorded with video, and especially for our subscribers, we include it here as well.

Did you miss previous episodes? No problem, you will find all podcasts in one place here. As always, we are looking for great stories. If you have any suggestions of your own, you are welcome to send them to redactie@flows.be.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.