One of children from own company ECS now works in company itself

Reportage, People
Roel Jacobus
Vernieuwde kinderopvang in bedrijf ECS in Zeebrugge

Logistics group ECS has renovated and expanded its corporate childcare facility in Zeebrugge. This unique facility has provided a practical solution for employees and their families for seventeen years. This initiative is part of a wider welfare policy.

The logistics group ECS in Zeebrugge seized the ‘Childcare Week’ to officially open its renovated crèche. Back in 2007, the company pioneered an in-house nursery for its employees’ young children. HR business partner Kelly Oreel (pictured left) was there from the start.

“We started with eight kids and scaled that up to 16 when ECS and 2XL merged. We recently completely renovated the rooms with a new floor, air-conditioning, kitchen, two bedrooms and office. This allows us to accommodate up to eighteen children in even better conditions while their parents work. Nice to know: one of the children from the first hour is now a young employee in the company himself.”

Children aged zero to three can attend daily from 7.45am to 6.15pm. During holiday periods, there is also room for older children. “We employ four full-time child carers and there is close contact with the HR department,” says HR director Griet Van Reeth (second from the left at the back of the photo). “The nice thing for the parents who work here is that their children are never far away. It also creates a bond of trust that the child carers are colleagues at the same time. We also offer fresh meals daily for the children.”

The Port Heroes…

ECS experienced strong growth from its three closely located locations in Zeebrugge. The head office in Baron de Maerelaan (Expressweg N31), the site in Karveelstraat (Transportzone) and the new warehouses in Lanceloot Blondeellaan, employ over five hundred people.

“To attract and retain motivated employees, having its own childcare facilities is a unique asset,” says ceo Sven Pieters (second from the right in the photo). “For young families, it is often difficult to find childcare in their immediate vicinity and then there is the stress of relocation every day. With this facility, which is unique in Zeebrugge, we take away that worry.”

After the renovation, the nursery was rebranded. “From a survey of employees, the name De Havenheldjes came up. It fits well with what the company does and where we are located. The new style elements were also designed in-house.”

… and Port Heroines

ECS funds a large part of the operation of De Havenheldjes from its own welfare budget, explains Griet Van Reeth. “This initiative is part of our Great Place To Work mentality, in which the well-being of employees is central. From the same well-being budget, we also finance other programmes to promote the well-being of employees in a sustainable way, such as sports opportunities, free fruit and information sessions on ergonomics. In this way, ECS profiles itself as an employer that invests in the health and satisfaction of its team. Finally, this crèche not only provides direct benefits for ECS employees, but can also serve as an inspiration for other companies in the port to take similar initiatives.”

At the opening ceremony, child caretakers Mieke Vanbelleghem, Lise Wegsteen, Anouck Cardon and Jana Versluys and new style designer Machalina Dereere were honoured. In doing so, they were festively named ‘Port Heroines’.

This article was automatically translated from the Dutch language original to English.